Current Build HL7 v3 Value Set PurposeOfUse

This value set ( is defined as part of HL7 v3. Related FHIR content: PurposeOfUse.


Defining URL:
Definition: Supports communication of purpose of use at a general level.
OID:2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20448 (for OID based terminology systems)
Source ResourceXML / JSON

This value set is used in the following places:

This value set includes codes from the following code systems:


This expansion generated 19 十二月 2016

This value set contains 43 concepts

Expansion based on version 2016-11-11

All codes from system

PurposeOfUsepurpose of useReason for performing one or more operations on information, which may be permitted by source system's security policy in accordance with one or more privacy policies and consent directives. Usage Notes: The rationale or purpose for an act relating to the management of personal health information, such as collecting personal health information for research or public health purposes.
  HMARKThealthcare marketingTo perform one or more operations on information for marketing services and products related to health care.
  HOPERAThealthcare operationsTo perform one or more operations on information used for conducting administrative and contractual activities related to the provision of health care.
    DONATdonationTo perform one or more operations on information used for cadaveric organ, eye or tissue donation.
    FRAUDfraudTo perform one or more operations on information used for fraud detection and prevention processes.
    GOVgovernmentTo perform one or more operations on information used within government processes.
    HACCREDhealth accreditationTo perform one or more operations on information for conducting activities related to meeting accreditation criteria.
    HCOMPLhealth complianceTo perform one or more operations on information used for conducting activities required to meet a mandate.
    HDECDdecedentTo perform one or more operations on information used for handling deceased patient matters.
    HDIRECTdirectoryTo perform one or more operation operations on information used to manage a patient directory. Examples: facility enterprise payer health information exchange patient directory
    HLEGALlegalTo perform one or more operations on information for conducting activities required by legal proceeding.
    HOUTCOMShealth outcome measureTo perform one or more operations on information used for assessing results and comparative effectiveness achieved by health care practices and interventions.
    HPRGRPhealth program reportingTo perform one or more operations on information used for conducting activities to meet program accounting requirements.
    HQUALIMPhealth quality improvementTo perform one or more operations on information used for conducting administrative activities to improve health care quality.
    HSYSADMINhealth system administrationTo perform one or more operations on information to administer the electronic systems used for the delivery of health care.
    MEMADMINmember administrationTo perform one or more operations on information to administer health care coverage to an enrollee under a policy or program.
    PATADMINpatient administrationTo perform one or more operations on information used for operational activities conducted to administer the delivery of health care to a patient.
    PATSFTYpatient safetyTo perform one or more operations on information in processes related to ensuring the safety of health care.
    PERFMSRperformance measureTo perform one or more operations on information used for monitoring performance of recommended health care practices and interventions.
    RECORDMGTrecords managementTo perform one or more operations on information used within the health records management process.
    TRAINtrainingTo perform one or more operations on information used in training and education.
  HPAYMThealthcare paymentTo perform one or more operations on information for conducting financial or contractual activities related to payment for provision of health care.
    CLMATTCHclaim attachmentTo perform one or more operations on information for provision of additional clinical evidence in support of a request for coverage or payment for health services.
    COVAUTHcoverage authorizationTo perform one or more operations on information for conducting prior authorization or predetermination of coverage for services.
    COVERAGEcoverage under policy or programTo perform one or more operations on information for conducting activities related to coverage under a program or policy.
      ELIGDTRMeligibility determinationTo perform one or more operations on information used for conducting eligibility determination for coverage in a program or policy. May entail review of financial status or disability assessment.
      ELIGVEReligibility verificationTo perform one or more operations on information used for conducting eligibility verification of coverage in a program or policy. May entail provider contacting coverage source (e.g., government health program such as workers compensation or health plan) for confirmation of enrollment, eligibility for specific services, and any applicable copays.
      ENROLLMenrollmentTo perform one or more operations on information used for enrolling a covered party in a program or policy. May entail recording of covered party's and any dependent's demographic information and benefit choices.
    REMITADVremittance adviceTo perform one or more operations on information about the amount remitted for a health care claim.
  HRESCHhealthcare researchTo perform one or more operations on information for conducting scientific investigations to obtain health care knowledge.
    CLINTRCHclinical trial researchTo perform one or more operations on information for conducting scientific investigations in accordance with clinical trial protocols to obtain health care knowledge.
  PATRQTpatient requestedTo perform one or more operations on information in response to a patient's request.
    FAMRQTfamily requestedTo perform one or more operations on information in response to a request by a family member authorized by the patient.
    PWATRNYpower of attorneyTo perform one or more operations on information in response to a request by a person appointed as the patient's legal representative.
    SUPNWKsupport networkTo perform one or more operations on information in response to a request by a person authorized by the patient.
  PUBHLTHpublic healthTo perform one or more operations on information for conducting public health activities, such as the reporting of notifiable conditions.
    DISASTERdisasterTo perform one or more operations on information used for provision of immediately needed health care to a population of living subjects located in a disaster zone.
    THREATthreatTo perform one or more operations on information used to prevent injury or disease to living subjects who may be the target of violence.
  TREATtreatmentTo perform one or more operations on information for provision of health care.
    CAREMGTCare ManagementTo perform one or more operations on information for provision of health care coordination.
    CLINTRLclinical trialTo perform health care as part of the clinical trial protocol.
    ETREATEmergency TreatmentTo perform one or more operations on information for provision of immediately needed health care for an emergent condition.
    POPHLTHpopulation healthTo perform one or more operations on information for provision of health care to a population of living subjects, e.g., needle exchange program.